Thursday 2 February 2012

House Movers – Making the right decision when Moving House

When it is time for moving house there are a few things that need to be kept in mind. Among those things are whether or not to use house movers, whether to do it on your own, figuring out cost, finding out what equipment the moving house company has and what exactly a moving house company will do.

The question of using house movers may seem obvious and easy. But some people may be working with a strict budget, which means that they may prefer doing it themselves so that they can save on the costs of hiring a moving company. The thing to do here is to get an estimate from house movers and then figure out how much it will cost to do on your own, and then do a comparison. Remember that house movers such as Man and van will be capable of doing all aspects of moving house at a competitive price. This includes packing your belongings, driving, loading and unloading at the destination.

If you do it on your own then you will have to decide such things as driving, loading and unloading.

Most people out there may not feel comfortable driving a large van. If you feel like you can do it then the next step is to decide what size van will be needed. This can be calculated by seeing how many boxes you will be taking.

Cost is of course a big issue. As mentioned before if you do it on your own, you may save a little money but not in peace of mind. If you go with a professional house mover, then there are ways to save on costs. One of the best costs saving ideas is to book way in advance. Do not book during any type of holiday. Holiday seasons are traditionally the most expensive time for moving house. The next step would be is to get as many quotes as you can.

Compare different prices before arriving at a conclusion. Another good tip is to do the packing and unpacking on your own. A big part of the cost is when moving companies do the packing for you. Last but not least, discard anything you do not want to take with you.

After all of this is done, make sure the moving house has the resources and equipment to do a moving with minimum hassle. They should have the required number of people and the right size van. Be sure the van size is suitable for your needs. A moving house company such as Man and van will have several sized vans. If one type seems too small then go with a larger van. It is proportionately cheaper to hire extra hands for moving. 2 people will not cost twice as much as one person. Next be sure what the movers will do. Be clear with price and contracts.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Home Movers Can Make Your Move A Breeze

Hiring home movers is one of the best decisions you have ever made. With a little extra help and a means of transporting all of your belongings, the process should go pretty smoothly. In order to make sure that you don't run into any problems along the way be sure that you are organized and have some type of plan in place.


When home movers walk into your living area they should be able to get to the items they need to move. If they are packing up all of your personal items as well, everything should be out to pack. Go through your entire space and make sure that the professionals will be able to get to everything. If you just have random items in the floor and an area littered with things you aren't sure about it will slow down the entire pace of the move. Just do a quick pick up.


What is the most important thing to be moved? Are some items going to storage and other going to a new location? It is important to know the answers to these questions before the help is on your doorstep. Make a list of the things that should be packed first or last. Make a list of what things go where. If you move involves two separate locations you need to be clear on what goes where. While you may not want to label every item in your home, consider grouping things together that will go to one place. For example: all furniture goes to storage but all clothing goes to the new apartment. This makes it easier for everyone to keep working.

Fragile Items

There are some things in every person's area that cannot be replaced. These may be valuables or sentimental items that are very important. When bringing in home movers know that they are very careful with each and every item they handle. They take every precaution and the safety of your items is a real priority. However sometimes things just happen. If you have some of these irreplaceable items, consider packing them yourself or finding special packaging materials.

Other items in your home are fragile not because they are irreplaceable but because they need some extra attention when being packed. When the home movers come in for an estimate or even on the first day of work, make it a point to direct them to these items. It will give them a heads up on how many fragile items there are. They will also be able to plan out how they want to handle each one.

Overall Organizing

The more work that you can complete in advance, the better off your move will be. If your home movers don't offer boxing materials or labels, be sure to purchases these on your own and have them waiting on the day of the move. While this is a large undertaking, things can run smoothly with a little advanced planning.

House Movers Atlanta 

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Thursday 19 January 2012

House Lifting Jacks and their Uses

With a lot of old homes that are on stumps, they can shift on their stumps with the movement that goes on in the earth. This can cause things such as frames slightly bowing or being out of alignment and sometimes makes it hard for doors and windows to be closed or opened. In more serious cases, the house my need to be restumped in order to correct the problem. If you need your house restumped then it is often best to speak with a professional that is trained in this area and will be able to do the job safely as well as having the correct equipment such as house lifting jacks.

When engaging a restumping professional, always make sure you research what they offer you for the price to get the best deal possible for your budget. There are quite a few companies out there, but not all companies will give you value for your money. Specialized equipment is used and a trained professional is required to use them.

Equipment such as a house lifting jack is required to lift a house of its stumps safely. Although it may seem like an easy task to use a house lifting jack, it is not. You need to know where to place the jacks in order for the house to be lifted properly off its stumps without the frame being damaged.

So what is a house lifting jack? A house jack is a mechanical device that is used to lift houses off their foundations. It is also called a screw jack. A number of jacks are set up in strategic positions and wood cribbing is then used as temporary supports. The jacks are then lifted until the height required is reached, only then can the work crew set to work changing the stumps and making them more solid. At the top of the jack is a 4"x4" cast iron circular pad which the post rests on. The pad moves independently of the jack so that it doesn't turn when the acme-threaded rod is turned with a metal rod. This allows for a slight tilt but not enough to put the post dangerously out of sync.

Having house raising professionals take care of your restumping needs will ensure that the job is done professionally and most importantly of all, safely. So if you think your home may need restumping then have a talk to the professionals today. You will be glad you did!

House Jacking


Thursday 12 January 2012

What The House Movers Don't Tell You

House movers have a lot of knowledge about moving house. But they dont know everything such as how many times you will have to bend and stoop when you pack a box. Nor can they tell you how many steps you will have to take each time you bring boxes into the house so you can make them up and pack them. The house movers will show up on time, pack what they have to pack then load it into the truck or van and get it started in its journey to your new home. Then at your new home they will unload the van or truck and take the items and boxes into your new home.

When you move house and are doing the packing yourself or with family helping you, it helps to be fairly organized because it takes probably more time than you expect and it requires a lot more steps then you ever imagined. It may be a very good way to lose weight and firm up some muscles also. Because when you begin to pack boxes you will have to lift the items off of the shelves or out of the closets and then pack them or wrap them and pack them then tape up the box and put it aside so you have room to work in. You cant just pack boxes and leave them lay just anywhere because you, your family and the house movers will have to maneuver around them.

What you will need to do is organize your packing time so you have few disruptions. It will take you some time and if you are constantly interrupted by children who are not assisting or by the telephone it is cutting into your packing time and come moving day you will not be competed. If you delay the movers as you continue to pack you will also incur more cost as the hours pass before they can pack you up.

If you are going to pack books then line up some book boxes that are already made up. Make sure you tape the box bottoms and not interlock them because the tape is stronger and helps reinforce the boxes. Once you have the boxes lined up begin to pack them but dont over pack them so that a mover cannot pick them up. They do have to be a reasonable weight and if you cant pick up the box and move it to another pile then chances are the mover wont be able to either.

Go room by room keeping like items together. You dont want to pack fragile items amongst the books but you can slip sturdy wrapped nick knacks in amongst the places where you have openings between the books. When you pack fragile items use towels or bedding to protect the items beside the packing paper that you get to wrap things in. If you coordinate and carve out time to pack correctly then you will be successful during the move.